About me


Hi, my name is Guido.
I play music (with varied degrees of success and instruments) and I like computers.

The Computer Conundrum

I have no CompSci background, but I am rather enthusiastic about computers (emphasis on both terms).

With no formal education and zero practical knowledge in the field I know I won’t be working around my passion.
I actually tried getting hired by a tech-company but I ended up working for a big IT name, albeit for a less technical role that I had hoped for.
Maybe one day I will write about that too, maybe not.

Therefore, to cultivate this pursuit I have carved up a place in my spare time by reading a lot of resources, following tutorials and trying (and failing) the for advent of code challenges.

Right now I am trying to learn more about:

Programming Languages

The first language I ever came in contact with is Python, and I have been in love ever since.
Now I feel pretty confident with it (but I am by no means a master) yet I recognize the need to broaden my horizons; in the near future, I would like to try my hand at something less “user-friendly” and either go down a level of abstraction (with C) or try a new paradigm (with Haskell).

Other languages I know?

Why blogging?

I actually started this blog as an exercise, I do a lot of weird stuff in my spare time (programming and non-programming wise); this weirdness ranges from little snippets of code (to scientifically prove a point with my friends) to more structured projects.

Here I was tring to prove that I can get drunk with just one beer

Finding my voice

I have always been at a loss for word (with an ironic lack of a better term) and I am convinced that my communications skills, written or oral, are below average.

So this little corner of the internet tries to achieve two things:

I hope this can be an enriching experience for the both of us!
Thank you for reading