Cicerone - Grandi Delitti nella Storia

Author: Francesca Pulitanò & Roberto Signorini
Rating: 4/5

Following the usual format, the book presents the circumstances surrounding the fall, the flight and the assassination of Rome’s most famous orator: Marcus Tullius Cicerone.

In opposition to my likings, it particularly stresses the emotions of Cicerone himself, the indecision, the fear for his family’s life, the last moments near is villa in Formia.
Such things, as they really went, are forever lost in History, but in this case that awful dramatization that much I dislike, was not out of place.

It could be because the sources are quite rich, either because the Republic was living its darkest moments (i.e. the Proscription lists) or because such details elicited also the minds of the past.

All in all, I liked the way it was presented and Cicero is absolutely one character you would want to know about; he truly is the last Defender of Rome’s Republic.

To know more about this titan of the Late Republic I cannot but recommend this video by the Youtube channel Historia Civilis about the deeds that Cicero himself considered his best.

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