Giuliano de Medici - Grandi Delitti nella Storia

Author: Andrea Dusio
Rating: 2/5

I am not the biggest fan of the Renaissance;
I value its importance in the development of the modern world but my fascination ends there, I am more of a “BC” kind of guy (or even “early AD”).

In any case, the murder of Giuliano was sure an important step in defining the future of Firenze.
What the book truly offers is an accurate cross section of what life was in the late Middle Ages with all its cultural fervor and development.

The book maybe overindulges in providing an excess of details for all the “secondary” characters of the murder, not even really the conspirators but all the entourage that allowed for the attempted coup on the Medici sovereignty to happen.

It was thus one of the weakest of this series, but I ascribe this to a matter of personal preference.

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