
A ship in the harbor
A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for

On confrontation

I am the kind of person that doesn’t like confrontation much (both external and internal).
But even so, I recognize the importance of “opposition”.

I don’t mean it literally; I’m not suggesting you go challenging everyone and everything in your life but rather that you try and focus inward, always striving to challenge yourself.

Everyday, even when I’m exhausted after a long day at work, I still try to do, and read, and learn new things, to try what doesn’t immediately come easy.

I choose the “hard way” on some facets of my life because I believe that in the end, I will somehow be better off; there is also a strong component of self-belief on this.
Thinking that applying yourself in something that is hard will help you, it eventually will.

A note from me, to me

I say this: always bear in mind to challenge yourself by way of thinking and learning, to struggle to be in a state of “uncomfortableness”, with that growth and improvement will come “easy”.
But even knowing so, doing it is hard and I wrote this little note as a reminder for myself, to never lose determination and always power through.